After Arjuna was drifting in jungles on mountains of Manibhadra through Mahabharata's fratricidal war, he stumbled upon rather a peculiar animal that seemed to be an aggregate of distinct limbs of nine varied animals. This has been Navagunjara 3 ft. in elevation with his mind of a rooster, neck of a peacock, midsection of a lion, then the hump of a bull including Siva-linga, serpent along with the tail, then three legs by an elephant, tiger and an antelope having a hand holding a lotus in bloom. Dazed by the odd creature such as look, Arjuna unconsciously picked up his massive Gandiva to take an arrow in self-defense and abruptly retracted when he happened to glance at the blossoming lotus in hand. As he considered in amazement celebrating the creature, Vasudeva Sri Krsna looked before he introduced the animal, Navagunjara, as among his manifests like the Visvarupam clarified by Him in 11 of Sri Madbhagvad Gita.
Navagunjara symbolized a multifaceted strategy to comprehend the greatest Truth as infinite-dimensional without a person capable of recognizing or disproving all of the Truth's dimensions. (S)He or she might have the ability to perceive only a couple that could be much lesser than a drop in the sea. Directed from the principle, Ekam sat, vipra bahuda vadanti, this diversity isn't permitted to become wayward but geared towards supreme Unitarianism because of the last port of call. Multiplicity might manifest in many different celestial deities, sects, faith and communities, temples and festivals, rituals, or rites. It can even be in various sorts of Darsana-s, which range from blatantly atheistic to greatly theistic, from Dvaita into Advaita. These constitute those gorgeous tiny fibers that weave the tapestry of Sanatana Dharma, vibrant and ceaseless, something to provide to everybody guided by their tastes and propensities. These components derive nourishment and strength from the entire as branches and leaves of a tree are all determined by the trunk, as most spokes of a wheel leash in their center.
The mysticism of the Sanatana Hindu heritage is distinctive and extraordinarily lovely. Once it assumes and takes Advaita, i.e., unity and confluence of varieties in Param Brahmatma, it hastens rationalities and diversities of whole existence from the philosophy of Dvaita. Advaita is that the abundance of all Dvaita is supreme abode wherein entire Dvaita retires into Advaita from annihilating itself. Dvaita rests on the base of Advaita, while Advaita is complete entirety that's complete, perfect, and complete. According to Sanatana Dharma's philosophy, virtually any style of Sadhana, Tapasya, or almost any attest of divinity is legitimate and suitable albeit fruitful just and only when it's considered a way to the best abode of Advaita. If the way of Dvaita is supposed to be the most excellent destination, decrepitude places in and in due course of a cosmic journey through the planet, dreadful consequences follow.
Sanatana Dharma possesses a lively heritage of Sastrartha, i.e., marathon discussions until contestants arrive at a mutually satisfactory conclusion. These Sastrartha-s typically turn quite intensive, spanning months and days. Famous Sastrartha involving Adi Sankaracharya and Mandana Misra lasted for three weeks uninterruptedly, then carried over utilizing Mandana Misra followed closely by the job of a mysterious exercise of Para-Kaya Pravesa, i.e., briefly incarnating in the body of somebody else, to comprehend that a knotty problem before restarting the Sastrartha. Such Sastrarthas utilized to be run in arenas called Kutuhalasalas, i.e., arenas of fascination between erudite scholars who have mastered their various research fields. Navagunjara could be considered a sign of an unfathomable change of character, and it has incomprehensible aspects. Creative reflection of divinity and inducing a feeling of amazement is boundless and unthinkable, indicating that not all divine manifests are explicable no matter of someone's intellect and Arjuna. They happened to be near Vasudeva Sri Krisna. Even though Arjuna was astonished in his incomprehensibility to describe such a monster's existence, his lifting Gandiva spontaneously is an example of individual frailties.
Navagunjara-s are very popular in the condition of Odisha and locate mention in the Odiya edition of Mahabharata written by Adikavi Sarala Das, together with all the immense faculty of imagination such as symbolism and metaphors. All these will also be painted in lots by these Patacitra-s, sculpted west side of Sri Jagannath Mandira at Puri. Nila-Cakra beneath the shrine contains eight Navagunjara-s inscribed on the outer circumference, directed towards the flagpole on the summit. Navagunjara is your King card, while Arjuna, as Union card at the game of Ganjifa. Some scholars respect Navagunjara since the most gruesome and mysterious monster in divine senses mentioned in scriptures.

1 comment
Thank you so much for this detailed post on Navagunjara👍